Friday, June 25, 2010

Is a Student Credit Card Actually a Credit Trap?

Your bright-young-thing goes to college as a student, away from home for the first time, full of the thrill of freedom. And she needs money to spend. While teaching her to manage her money, very often the question is - is it ok to let her have access to huge amounts of credit in the first place? Is it OK to give her a student credit card? Credit card companies are among the first to line up at her door with their attractive offers including freebies, zero interest offers, etc. Before you know it, the student credit card becomes a family liability - a credit trap from which it is difficult to escape. What should one know about credit cards for college students in order to avoid this credit trap?

Pros and Cons of Student Credit Cards

Student credit cards are, in fact, more good than bad. Like anything else, one needs to learn how to choose and handle them correctly, how to position them as an opportunity to build a good credit history, and how to control their usage. A student credit card can be used to teach budgeting and finance as well as to allow flexibility in expenditure while making it safer to use than cash.

Joint Ownership of a Student Credit Card

You need to first see what kind of credit card is best suited for your teen. Some credit cards allow joint ownership between student and parent - that's the one for you. Lay down a few rules about usage, including deciding on a budget and penalties for misuse. Pick up the credit tab regularly but allow the student to pay back some of the balance with their own earnings. This will encourage them to hold summer jobs and part-time jobs and learn to earn. The advantage of a joint card is that the parent gets a monthly statement which allows them to monitor all expenditures. That's an opportunity for developing a sense of value in the young college student.

Credit cards for college students can have very low credit limits. This places a restriction on the total spend, forcing the student to think and plan their expenses. Parents can use these cards to show how the money spent needs to be repaid. It can also be an opportunity to teach budgeting to your child and teaching them to choose between what one needs and what one wants.

Student Credit Card Incentives

Companies that issue credit cards for college students also woo clients through attractive cash back or reward points schemes. Once the student sees value in spending intelligently, and pockets rewards for making the right choices, they may look for occasions to use the credit card knowing that there is repayment that is within his control. It allows them the freedom to make the purchases now, knowing that they have the ability to pay it all back in time. Above all, a student credit card becomes invaluable in times of emergency when cash and parents are far away.

So if you want to prevent your family and your teen from falling into the credit card debt trap, you need to first have a sensible and disciplined approach to credit cards yourself. Teens will sub-consciously follow your financial example and behavior patterns when they have access to a student credit card. Therefore, a student credit card can quickly become a ticket to financial freedom or it can deteriorate into a credit trap. The solution lies in giving limited exposure to your child by opting for student credit cards that offer joint ownership. Credit cards for college students are great opportunities for them to begin building a good credit history, which is an important consideration in their first jobs. However, if the teen gets confused signals and is unable to prioritize their budgets, then they will certainly head for trouble. Therefore, the first credit card used by your teen can become a credit trap as easily as it becomes an avenue to financial freedom.

For more information on student credit card offers, Kim Stevens recommends that you visit

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Student Credit Cards FAQ

Student credit cards can be a great way to start a student down the path of financial independence and becoming a responsible adult. Many parents of students decide to open up credit card accounts for their children or to add them to their own personal accounts. But, another great option is to help the young adult get his or her own personal student credit card.

Why Should I Get a Student Credit Card?

Since a student credit card is in the young adult's name, it helps to start building credit. The longer a person's credit history, the better his or her credit score. Therefore, the earlier a person can start building that credit history, the better. Conversely, college student with access to his or her parent's account can adversely affect the parent's credit rating if large debts are accumulated. So, not only do credit cards for college students help them build a credit history and learn financial responsibility, it also protects the parents.

Why do Credit Card Companies Offer Special Student Credit Cards?

Obtaining your first credit card can be difficult, particularly if you want to get a decent APR. Credit card companies realize the value of a college education and assume that a student with limited credit history is more likely to responsible with paying back credit card debt than a person who is not working toward a solid future. In addition, student credit cards are a great investment for credit card companies because many people tend to feel a sense of loyalty toward their first credit card. Therefore, credit card companies are hoping to establish a long term relationship with students by being their first card.

Do Student Credit Cards Have Benefits?

Besides the inherent benefits of teaching the student responsibility, many do have additional benefits. Some do have rewards programs and cash back programs. Yet others provide discounts in places that are meaningful to students, such as bookstores. Not all credit cards for college students have these benefits, however, so it is important to compare all of the cards closely before deciding which one you want.

What are the Different Kinds of Student Credit Cards?

When it comes to credit cards for college students, you have two main options: secured or unsecured. Secured credit cards for college students are ones that money is paid up front in order to use, which makes these cards more like debit cards. Many college students and their parents prefer this type of card because it is still in the student's name, it is reported to the credit bureaus, and the parents can provide the young adult with a regular "allowance." In addition, there is no chance of building up a terrible debt with a secured credit card because a line of credit is not extended.

Unsecured student credit cards are like traditional credit cards in that a line of credit is extended to the student. These cards offer more freedom because payments do not have to be made up front. They are also convenient for the college student if he or she requires loans to help get through school. On the other hand, these student credit cards need to be monitored closely to ensure the student does not get into a debt that is impossible to overcome.

Are There Any Differences Between Student Credit Cards and Traditional Cards?

Sometimes, a guardian needs to co-sign for a student credit card, which is not the case with traditional credit cards. In addition, student credit cards generally offer a lower credit limit than other cards. Often, these credit limits can be as low as just $500 or $1,00. Student credit cards also can have higher interest rates than traditional credit cards, though not necessarily higher than the APRs on other credit cards geared toward those with a limited credit history.

For more on student credit cards, Robert Alan recommends that you visit

Article Source:

Rich Dad's Guide to Becoming Rich...Without Cutting Up Your Credit Cards

How You Can Profit from Credit Cards: Using Credit to Improve Your Financial Life and Bottom Line

The Skinny on Credit Cards: How to Master the Credit Card Game

Credit Card Nation: The Consequences of America's Addiction to Credit

Directory of Mastercard and Visa Credit Card Sources

Teens and Credit Cards: Use or Abuse? [VHS]

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Student Credit Cards Explained

Various people have different needs. So the credit card suppliers too have designed different type of cards. Besides the normal credit cards, there are small business cards for small business and then there are student credit cards which are designed especially for students.

Now, what is different about the student credit cards?

You could say not much, since all credit cards work in pretty much the same way and are used for more or less same purposes. However there are 2 main differences with the student credit cards and these differences are on the 2 main aspects i.e. Credit limit and APR.

The credit limit for student credit cards is generally very low. This typically ranges from $500 to $1000 per month. Some people might argue the reason for such discrimination. Well, the reason is very clear and obvious. Most of the students applying for these credit cards have never used a credit card in their life so neither do they have a credit rating and nor the knowledge about credit cards. While the former is what the credit card suppliers look for before supplying the credit card, the latter is what the credit card holder would like to acquire. Both the purposes are met by keeping a lower credit limit. The credit card supplier reduces the risk that they are taking by issuing a credit card to someone who has never used one and has no credit rating. It's good for the credit card holder too since this reduces their risk of damage which can be caused by limited or no knowledge of credit cards and by bad spending habits. Moreover, this credit limit would be sufficient for the needs of a student in general.

The APR on the student credit cards is generally higher than that on the normal credit cards. Again the reason for this is same as that for lower credit limit i.e. the credit card company or the credit card supplier is after all into business and has to take steps to mitigate any possible risks including the risk arising from issuing a credit card to someone who is naïve in terms of credit card knowledge.

The credit card companies might also keep some stricter terms and conditions on the student credit cards and generally require a parent or a guardian's signature as a guarantor.

Since credit cards are more of a necessity than a convenience in today's world, the student credit cards are much recommended, especially as a learning tool in getting the students prepared for the life. Due to their inherent characteristics of low credit limit etc, student credit cards cannot lead students into a totally irreversible debt situation. Students should read all the instructions supplied with their student credit card. This first credit card will teach them how to protect themselves from credit card fraud, where all to use their credit card, how to control their spending, what the various membership benefits are etc. The earlier they learn these things the better it is.

Moreover, the student credit card will also help you in developing a good credit rating. You shouldn't take the student credit cards lightly. If you overspend on your student credit card or default on your credit card bill payments, you will not only end up paying interest on your credit card balance but also spoil your credit rating. Remember that a bad credit rating will not only hamper your chances of getting another credit card later in your life but will also lead to problems in approval of your mortgage/car-loan applications etc.

So student credit cards are a surely a good way for students to start with credit cards.

Rudy Hadisentosa: is a free online credit cards review and application website. We offer credit cards selection from visa,master cards, discover, american express and many others. We have quite some categories and hundreds of credit cards selection to fit your need. Apply for a credit card at

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Where Are The Best Student Credit Cards Hiding

Finding the best student credit cards can be an overwhelming task -- especially if you're a student with no credit card experience whatsoever. When looking at the best student credit cards, there are a few things the finest usually have in common. Here are the top 10 key things to look for:

1. Reasonable Interest Rates

The companies that offer the best student credit cards firmly understand that a student isn't going to have a long-established credit history, and they are not going to penalize you because of it. A good student credit card will offer a reasonable interest rate (15-percent or less), regardless of this fact.

2. Sensible Credit Limits

Whether you realize it or not, you do not need a $5,000 credit limit while you're in college. Remember, student credit cards should not be used to finance your college education -- that's what student loans are for. Student credit cards should really be kept for emergency purposes or budgetary reasons only.

The best student credit cards offer sensible credit limits (less than $1,000) and will have a limit of one credit card per student. If a credit card company is willing to give you a credit limit of thousands of dollars, it's just setting you up for trouble.

3. Rational Grace Periods

A grace period is the period of time from when your credit card billing statement closes to when the payment is due. Unfortunately, during recent years, some credit card companies have employed the less-than-ethical practice of all but eliminating the grace period. Some consumers have even reported receiving their credit card statement days after the payment was due!

The best student credit cards will offer a grace period of at least 20 days, meaning 20 days will elapse from the time the billing statement closes and the bill is sent to the time that the payment needs to be received.

4. Forego the Temptation

Long-time credit card users know all too well that their monthly credit card statements also arrive with offers for special deals and purchases (such as magazine subscriptions or interesting collectibles). The best student credit cards will not bombard you with frivilous impulse purchase offers.

Credit card companies need to take some responsibility for teaching you about responsible spending and the best student credit cards adhere to this philosophy.

5. Pay For What?

Some student credit cards require an application and/or processing fee. However, the credit cards that require these are never the best student credit cards available.

The best student credit cards keep fees to a minimum (foregoing the application fees, processing fees and annual fees) and usually only charge fees for late payments and/or over-the-limit transactions.

6. Online Account Management

Another thing that the best student credit cards have in common is online account management. With online account management, you can review your credit limit, make payments and keep track of your spending right from your dorm room.

While online account management used to be a "novelty," it is quickly becoming a "must have" and all of the best student credit cards offer it.

7. Rewards Aren't Just For Adults

Rewards credit cards aren't just for mom and dad. Students are eligible too. Some of the best student credit cards offer rewards, such as points that can be redeemed for gift certificates or even cash back.

Just remember, student credit cards that do offer rewards usually also have a higher interest rates (16 to 19 percent). Because of this, it's important that you pay your balance in full each and every month to avoid finance charges if you opt for a rewards credit card rather than a low-interest credit card.

8. Don't Overlook the Credit Union

Some of the best student credit cards can be found at the credit unions on college campuses. Many college credit unions offer student credit cards with very competitive interest rates and other student benefits. If you haven't done so yet, check your campus credit union to see what they have to offer.

9. Nurturing Your Credit History

The best student credit cards will report all payments made on the card to the three credit reporting agencies. Pre-paid student credit cards do not do this, which is why they aren't really good for building your credit rating, nor are they beneficial for teaching you about how revolving credit works.

When applying for student credit cards, make sure that they are legitimate credit cards (not pre-paid deals) and that all account of your activity is reported to the credit bureaus. When you graduate from college and need to buy a car or a house, you'll be glad you did.

10. They Really Are Student Credit Cards

The best student credit cards really are just what they say they are -- student credit cards. Some credit cards advertise themselves as being student credit cards when, in fact, they issue students the same credit cards they issue everyone else.

Because students have unique financial circumstances and needs, you need to apply for a student credit card that is what it says it is. Unless the card you are applying for is specifically tailored to students, it's not really a student credit card.

Remember, even though the world of student credit cards can be confusing and finding the best student credit cards can feel like a daunting task, these ten priceless bits of advice will get you well on your way to a sound and stable credit card future.

For more tips on getting the best student credit cards saving money and avoiding getting taken a website that specializes in providing credit card tips, advice and resources.

Article Source:

How to get the best credit card rate.(Money Talks): An article from: Ebony

Monday, June 21, 2010

Credit: Student Credit Cards 101

Almost all students have and use student credit cards. Some of the students use them wisely and build for them an early credit history but others accumulate lots of debts that would have to be paid off once the student life is over. Students that have a credit card should learn how to take charge and manage their own finances as soon as possible, because the time between teen years and adulthood is very short. So, the sooner a student starts managing his own financial matters the sooner he will develop useful financial skills. Student credit cards are no longer a privilege for wealthy students but now are considered a social entitlement.

A student can very easily obtain a student credit card. Offers for student credit cards are everywhere students are: in campuses, at social functions, in their mail boxes, in bookstores, etc. That is because credit companies consider students to be good customers. First of all they are loyal; once a student obtains a credit card, he is likely to keep this particular card for years to come and instead of getting other new cards they upgrade it every time they fill the need to do it. Nowadays, the conditions to obtain a student credit card are very weak, so more and more students have access to them even though they don't have a steady source of income. And this is a second reason why credit card companies offer more and more credit cards to students: they usually can't repay their debts in time. And this is what credit cards companies rely on; they make lots of money from late payment penalties, interest fees on unpaid credit card balances, annual fees and more. So, students that don't repay their credit card balances in full each month are the best customers.

Every college freshman wants to have at least one credit card because it will help him very much during his college years; the student will be able to rent a car, buy books or concert tickets, provide himself help with medical or other emergencies and more. Apart from financial help during college years, student credit cards offer other types of help by building a credit history. Credit history is the record of all that happens in your financial situation throughout the years. Credit scoring is a system based on all that happens to your accounts: late payments, bill paying history, number and type of accounts, outstanding debts and more. If the credit history and scoring are good the student will more easily obtain a house or a car loan, certain types of financial jobs, insurance premiums and more other benefits. So, the student must pay his bills in full or in time, in order to benefit later of their first years of credit history.

The most difficult thing for a student is to choose from the large number of student credit card offers. And the best way for a student to choose a credit card for himself is to talk to other students and get advice from the ones that already have and use a credit card and compare credit card offers online. Before choosing a credit card, the student must be aware of the card's terms of use. Most student that already have a credit card recommend for the others a card with no annual fee and the option to limit the amount to be spent. And apart from these safety measures, wise students that think of their financial future often take a personal finance course in order to learn all kinds of financial management skills that will help them throughout their entire life.

Students must be very careful when using their student credit cards; they always have to be cautious about the amount charged on the credit card and, at the end of the month, to review the amount of interest they have to pay monthly. It is also recommendable that the credit card balance to be paid as soon as received. If for some reason the balances cannot be paid in full, the student must pay at least the minimum payment required. If problems with paying the credit card balances appear, the student must ask help from a financial counselor that will always have a solution for him as student loan repayments are much more flexible than consumer loan repayments. And another thing students must be careful about is identity theft; the credit card or social security numbers should not be given to anybody over the phone. These are important information that cannot get into the hands of wrong people because will very much damage the credit history. So, we can consider that it is best for students to have a credit card starting with their freshman college years because, if used wisely, the credit card history built in this period will very much help them throughout their entire life.

This article has been provided courtesy of Creditor Web. Creditor Web offers great credit card articles available for reprint and other tools to help you search and compare credit card offers.

Article Source:

The Quick & Dirty Guide To Beating Credit Card Debt (Quick and Dirty Books Collection)

welcome to the Student Credit Card information Blog

Student Credit Cards are quite often the first exposure young adults have to the world of credit.   Student credit cards if used responsibly can add a tremendous amount of convinience to the students life and in addition properly used student credit cards allow the student to establish credit for later on in life. 

Improperly used by those to immature to properly care for them student credit cards can result in terrible debt problems for someone just starting out.

At the Student Credit cards website the best information on using student credit cards will be available to allow students and young adults to properly use Student Credit Cards to develop credit and.